B&ES Launch TR35 – A New Guide To Good Practice On Low Energy Ventilation For Residential Buildings

The Building & Engineering Services Association (B&ES) has announced the launch of TR35, a new guide to good practice on Low Energy Ventilation for Residential Buildings in response to the new requirements in the Building Regulations, which have introduced more stringent requirements for energy efficiency and now stipulate target emission and Co2 rates for residential buildings.

Careful consideration to a building’s airtightness is now crucial. With emphasis on the Government’s commitment to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions and the new Part L building regulations, an effective ventilation and heat recovery strategy is vital when designing an energy efficient building.

Bob Towse, Head of Department, Technical Health and Safety, B&ES Publications said, “The proportion of energy lost through uncontrolled ventilation through the building fabric has a significant and detrimental effect on the energy efficiency of a building. To achieve a building that is energy efficient, and not allowing the heat generated to be lost, whilst comfortable for it’s occupants requires that airflow must be managed. Low energy ventilation systems are the way to achieve this. The way systems are installed is vital to delivering the required performance and ensuring regulatory compliance”.

The TR35 guide covers installation requirements for a range of typical residential ventilation systems, aimed at assisting professionals designing sustainable and environmentally friendly residential buildings. The guide explains commonly specified ventilation systems and strategies together with the typical components that are required. Both centralised and de-centralised ventilation systems are featured.