Parsons Brinckerhoff, the global engineering consultancy, has strengthened its position in the Scottish building and environmental consultancy markets with the award of three new frameworks that will see it provide a range of specialist multi-disciplinary services across the country and, in particular, in Fife and Argyll & Bute.

In Fife, Parsons Brinckerhoff has been selected under a multi-disciplinary framework for Fife Council to promote the development of brownfield sites. A multi-disciplinary team led by the company has also been chosen by Argyll & Bute Council to support the £30 million CHORD regeneration programme across the coastal towns of Campbeltown, Helensburgh, Oban, Rothesay and Dunoon.  The Council has awarded the first work package to come out under the framework to Parsons Brinckerhoff. The company will deliver the £8.6m Dunoon Waterfront project involving refurbishment of the Queen’s Hall and improvements to the road layout and public realm around the building.

For Scotland Excel, the umbrella body owned by all Scottish local authorities, the company has also been selected to provide project management, cost management, environmental engineering and geo-technical assessments to local authorities across Scotland for a wide range of projects.

“Selection on these three frameworks has given a very strong boost to our activities in Scotland,” explains Brenda Jones, Associate Director at Parsons Brinckerhoff’s Glasgow office. “Although we are already working on a number of public sector building projects in Scotland, these new frameworks provide an opportunity for us to contribute to the sustainable development of Scotland’s infrastructure.”

The company is currently working on a range of building sector projects across Scotland including the refurbishment of Lews Castle in Stornoway; new schools for The Highland Council and Fife Council; and various projects for Strathclyde University, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and the Riverside Inverclyde Urban Regeneration Company. These new frameworks also build on the company’s existing portfolio of environmental consultancy work in Scotland for private sector clients and local authorities.


Fife – the Planning and Protective Services Consultancy Framework will last for two years, extendable to four, and be supported by local property agents, Ryden, for property market advice. Services provided will include project management, environmental and geotechnical engineering, masterplanning, civil engineering, quantity surveying and CDM Coordination.

Argyll & Bute – under the CHORD Programme Consultancy Framework, Parsons Brinckerhoff will provide port engineering, highways design, planning advice, environmental engineering, transport planning and project management. The company’s team of sub-consultants includes, Malcolm Fraser Architects, ERZ (Landscape Architects), David Narro Associates (Structural Engineers), Harley Haddow (Building Services Engineers), David Adamson (QS and CDM Co-ordinators) and Ekos (Economic Advice)

Scotland Excel – the Engineering and Technical Consultancy Framework covers a two year period and can be extended up to four years. Parsons Brinckerhoff will provide project management/quantity surveying, environmental engineering and geotechnical testing services.