Wrexham County Borough Council & Glyndwr University – Working Together To Reduce Energy Consumption

Glyndwr University and Wrexham County Borough Council are encouraging their employees to help reduce their energy consumption.

Employee awareness campaigns are being launched across the main offices of both organisations. These cam-paigns will be based on office energy audits which will identify potential areas for reducing energy usage.

Energy bills are a significant cost to both organisations and with prices continuing to rise, employees can play an important role in reducing their organisations energy consumption.

Both organisations are committed to reducing their carbon emissions and energy costs. Over recent years a range of energy efficiency projects have been carried out to help to reduce their carbon footprint

Fiona Williams, Energy and Sustainability Assistant at Glyndwr University said:

“Simple steps, such as turning off and unplugging all office, classroom and kitchen equipment and turning off all office and classroom lights can significantly help the university reduce its energy consumption”

Cllr Bob Dutton, OBE, Wrexham County Borough Council’s Lead Member for Environment said:

“Our employees can play a significant role in reducing the Council’s energy consumption. This cam-paign will provide them with advice and appropriate support to enable them to play their part in our drive to help the environment.

“Following basic energy efficiency tips whilst in work can also help to reduce our bills as we face sig-nificant financial challenges”.